Upcoming Releases in Christian Fiction (October 2024 forward)

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We love our authors, don’t we? What would we do without hardworking authors producing fabulous reads for us to dive into? Writing is a labor of love for most authors so I’m always looking for ways to support them. Did you know that pre-orders are a great way to do that? The more pre-orders an author gets, the more likely a publisher will be to publish more of their books. More books from the publishers means more books for the readers. Win-win, right?

Here are some upcoming releases in Christian fiction. Even if you are not able to pre-order, please make some noise about these books. Tell your friends, share on social media, get your library to buy copies… Let’s show our authors all the love we can!

October 2024

November 2024

December 2024

Sooo many exciting titles coming soon to our bookshelves, am I right? If you’re looking to pre-order, all of these titles are available at Baker Book House and some even have discounts for pre-orders.

What titles are you looking forward to? Let me know in the comments.
Find your next read today! Upcoming releases in Christian fiction - October 2024 and beyond #christianfiction #comingsoon Share on X

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