Welcome 2018! My word for the year. | www.lorainenunley.com

Welcome 2018! – My word for the year

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A few years ago I began to choose a word that would be my focus (or goal, if you will) for that year. It has been interesting to say the least. I am surprised when I look back at the end of the year and see that the word I chose somehow managed to come to fruition during that year even though I am not dwelling on it.

That was the case for 2017. My word was “balance” and my life seemed out of balance at the time. Even though I will always be working at balance, I do believe that 2017 did bring some much needed balance into my life. Not just in my writing, but also in my personal life.

As I began to think about the new year, 2018, and what I wanted to accomplish this year, this is the word that I believe God spoke to me:


complete (v): finish making or doing

Welcome 2018! My word for the year. | www.lorainenunley.com

As with my other yearly words, it is kinda funny how God just knows exactly what I need. I am not a person that likes to leave things undone. I love the sense of accomplishment that I get when I do complete things. I’m a list maker and I love checking things off of my lists. 🙂 That being said, I have two manuscripts in process and I believe this is God pushing me to make that commitment to finish them. Well, one at least. 😉

I pray that 2018 is a good year. What will it bring, do you think? What are you hoping for in this new year? Have you chosen a word for yourself?

[tweetthis]I have chosen my word for 2018 – What is your word? #2018Word #amreading #amwriting[/tweetthis]