Welcome 2020! My word for the year

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I don’t make New Year resolutions. I know that they work for some people, but I am not one of those people. New Year resolutions tend to be short term or vague. Instead, I try to do things that help me develop long term habits. So I begin each new year by choosing one word to represent my goals or focus for the year.

My word for 2019 was ‘diligent’. While I didn’t finish some of the writing goals I set, I do believe I was diligent in working on them. I learned. I grew. I moved forward.

This year, I will continue to be diligent and move forward with my writing. The word I’ve chosen for 2020 is:


expectant (adj): having or showing an excited feeling that something is about to happen, especially something pleasant and interesting

God is so good and this word reminds me that as a child of God I should be expecting good things from Him. When I think about all the good things that God has blessed me with in this writing journey, I am truly excited about what He will do in this new year.

Do you pick a word for yourself? What do you hope that 2020 will bring to you?

[tweetthis]I have chosen my word for 2020 – What is your word? #2020Word #amreading #amwriting[/tweetthis]