Book Review: The Lady in Residence by Allison Pittman
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What is this book about?
Young widow Hedda Krause checks into the Menger Hotel in 1915 with a trunk full of dresses, a case full of jewels, and enough cash to pay for a two-month stay, which she hopes will be long enough to meet, charm, and attach herself to a new, rich husband. Her plans are derailed when a ghostly apparition lures her into a long, dark hallway, and Hedda returns to her room to find her precious jewelry has been stolen. She falls immediately under a cloud of suspicion with her haunting tale, but true ghost enthusiasts bring her expensive pieces of jewelry in an attempt to lure the ghost to appear again.
In 2017, Dini Blackstone is a fifth-generation magician, who performs at private parties, but she also gives ghost walk tours, narrating the more tragic historical events of San Antonio with familial affection. Above all, her favorite is the tale of Hedda Krause who, in Dini’s estimation, succeeded in perpetrating the world’s longest con, dying old and wealthy from her ghost story. But then Dini meets Quinn Carmichael, great-great-grandson of the detective who originally investigated Hedda’s case, who’s come to the Alamo City with a box full of clues that might lead to Hedda’s exoneration. Can Dini see another side of the story that is worthy of God’s grace?
My review:
I liked Dini’s personality and magic although I did think she was a bit obsessed with Hedda’s story. Dini was not the usual heroine and I was intrigued by her.
While I enjoyed Dini and Quin’s romance, I was really drawn to the mystery of Hedda and her ghost. Her story was a page turner.
I did feel that the reveal of the ghost and culmination of Dini’s relationship with Quin moved somewhat fast and gave a lot of information to wade through. I had to re-read a few things at the end to get the full picture.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
Dini’s magic and Hedda’s story.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Lots of information to wade through in the last few chapters
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes, especially if you like ghost stories. The mystery holds readers attention until the end. This is a standalone story.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Allison Pittman, author website
-Loraine Nunley
The Lady in Residence by Allison Pittman (4 out of 5 stars) #amreading #BookReview Share on XWant a copy for yourself? Buy one here today.