The thorn in the lion’s paw – Dealing with pain in your marriage
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It is inevitable. During your marriage you will have to deal with being in pain or watching your spouse be in pain. Pain is a part of life.
[tweetthis]How do you deal with #pain in your marriage? #marriageadvice[/tweetthis]We all deal with pain differently. Some of us suffer in silence and some of us growl like a lion with a thorn in its paw. It is important to know yourself and your spouse well enough to know what the best course of action is when the pain comes into your lives.
Here are some tips on dealing with pain in your marriage:
- Compassion – It is important to show and have compassion for people dealing with pain. We have all been there and it is easy to forget that when we are not in pain ourselves. Jesus showed compassion when he dealt with others in pain and we want to do the same.
- Patience – People deal with pain in various, sometimes hurtful, ways. In many instances, we have to remember that those hurtful ways are the pain speaking and not the reflections of true feelings coming out.
- Kindness – Not only is it important to have compassion for someone in pain, it is also necessary to maintain a level of kindness when dealing with it. Selflessly giving of yourself can sometimes help alleviate or take the sting out of the pain.
- Prayer – Depending on the depth of pain and the backlash upon you, lots and lots of prayer may be necessary. Go to God for direction in helping you deal with it. If anyone is intimately familiar with people’s pain, it is our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Time outs – Sometimes we need to put ourselves in a time out or a time away from the situation. Step back and take a breather. Recharge your batteries. Spend some time with God and come back to the situation with a fresh perspective.
- Love – Isn’t that what is most important in your marriage? Didn’t you promise to be faithful in sickness as well as health? When pain comes we must draw upon our reserves of love to help us navigate the stress that comes at that time.
-Loraine Nunley